IP International Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology


Table of Contents

Year-2016 | Volume: 2 | Issue 1

Original Article

Conjugated Fraction in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia- Factors Associated and Influence on Outcome?

Author : Ngangbam Sonamani, Ghanshyam Das, Waseem Iqbal, Shobha B, Sunil Bhat

Doi :   Page No : 1-6

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1579)] [Download (567)]

Neuroimaging (MRI) in Children with Microcephaly and Severe Acute Malnutrition

Author : Neeraj Kumar, Suresh Goyal, Kavita Tiwari, Vinita Goyal, Pradeep Meena

Doi :   Page No : 15-19

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1583)] [Download (554)]

Review Article

Common Skin Diseases in Pediatric Practice

Author : Puneet Anand, Anuj Dhyani

Doi :   Page No : 20-24

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1534)] [Download (599)]

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: An Uncommon Clinical Syndrome

Author : Waseem Iqbal, Karuna Kumar, Ngangbam Sonamani, Shobha Badiger, Tadele Hailu, Sunil Bhat

Doi :   Page No : 27-32

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1615)] [Download (545)]

Oral Cancer- A Real Threat to Society

Author : Pratik Rupakar, Mayur Parmar, Maitri Shah

Doi :   Page No : 33-39

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1503)] [Download (526)]

Case Report

Harlequin Color Change in a New Born

Author : Gaurav Makhija, Pradeep Kumar Gupta

Doi :   Page No : 40-41

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1833)] [Download (1014)]

A Rare Association of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney (ARPKD) Disease with AV Canal Defect

Author : Devendra Nema, Rahul Sinha, K. Venkatnarayan, Shamsher Dalal

Doi :   Page No : 42-45

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1565)] [Download (549)]

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