Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 139-140
Parotid gland tuberculosis is one of the most uncommon manifestation of one of the most common infections even in the developing countries like India. It can present as parotitis or slow growing lesion as such there is no specific sign and symptoms for the same. The literature search has revealed around 100 cases been reported worldwide with this disease and even much lesser in pediatric age group and the first case of parotid gland tuberculosis was reported in 1893 by C De Pauli.(1) We report a case of Parotid tuberculosis in a 5 year old male child presented with left preauricular swelling of 14 days who did not respond to 10 days of antibiotic and was finally diagnosed as Parotid tuberculosis based on Fine needle aspiration cytology. This child was started on antituberculous drug and responded well. Presently he is under follow up in OPD.
Keywords: Parotid, Tuberculosis, Parotitis
How to cite : Sinha R, Venkatnarayan K, Gupta V, Sood A, A rare case of parotid tuberculosis masquerading parotitis. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2017;3(3):139-140
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