Maternal antenatal profile and immediate neonatal outcome in very low birth weight babies

Original Article

Author Details : Vinayak K. Patki, Jennifer V. Antin

Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2017

Article Page : 64-70

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Objective: To find out maternal risk factors associated with VLBW babies and study maternal risk factors associated with morbidity and mortality of VLBW babies.
Materials and Method: The study was a prospective cohort analysis of case records of 110 inborn VLBW babies admitted in Neonatal intensive care unit, of a Teaching hospital during the period of 1 year. Pregnant mother after 24 weeks of gestation were followed up till delivery to report outcome and impact of maternal antenatal profile on VLBW. For calculation of neonatal mortality or morbidity, delivered babies were to be followed up to discharge or death. Morbidity and mortality were compared according to birth weight and gestational age of baby. Only those causes of morbidity where statistical significance with relation to such maternal antenatal factors could be drawn, were studied by using Chi-square test.
Results: Majority (81.82%) mothers of VLBW babies had adverse risk factors. Anemia, PROM >=12 hours and PIH were the commonest adverse maternal factors associated with very low birth weight babies. Majority (75.45%) VLBW babies developed one or other kinds of morbidity. The commoner morbidity in VLBW were neonatal sepsis (30%), RDS (19.09%) and NNH (18.18%). The mortality in VLBW babies was only 21.81%. RDS (50%) was the commonest cause of death in VLBW, followed by sepsis (16.6%).The mortality was highest in babies weighing less than 750 gram and less than 28 weeks of gestation. Both morbidity and mortality decreased significantly in babies with higher birth weight. APH, multiple pregnancy and LSCS had statistically significant association (p<0.001) with RDS in VLBW babies. Presence of PROM >=12 hours and maternal fever increased the risk of neonatal sepsis. Presence of PIH, abnormal presentation, multiple pregnancies and meconium staining of liquor were significantly associated with asphyxia.
Conclusion: In our study, various adverse maternal factors were associated with very low birth weight and their morbidities. The identification of adverse maternal factors and its appropriate management can lead to better outcome of the baby.

Keywords: VLBW, antenatal factors, RDS, Asphyxia Neonatorum, Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia, Hypoglycemia

How to cite : Patki V K, Antin J V, Maternal antenatal profile and immediate neonatal outcome in very low birth weight babies. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2017;3(2):64-70

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