Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 1, Year : 2024
Article Page : 16-19
Introduction: Babies often have blood glucose levels that are 70% of their mothers at birth. Within an hour, it reaches its lowest point, which can be as low as 20 to 25 mg/dl. All healthy newborns experience this low point and have lower than average blood glucose levels. These are just temporary, and they gradually increase in the first few days of a newborn's life.
Aim & Objective: To determine the proportion of asymptomatic hypoglycemia in at risk newborn babies. To study plasma sugar level at various time, point during first 48hr of life and the effect of risk factor associated with asymptomatic hypoglycemia.
Materials and Methods : A Hospital-based longitudinal observational study was conducted among 303 patients at Department of Pediatrics of tertiary care Hospital during June 2021 – July 2021.
Result: Total 159 were males and 154 were females. Among the study participants, 203(83%) cases were from Urban area, while 50(17%) were from Rural area. No. of 114(37.6%) babies had asymptomatic hypoglycemia, identified by routine screening. In total various risk factors was found in which among 29% cases had LGA, 41% had preterm and 30% had weight less than 2 kg.
Conclusion: Screening of at risk newborn helps in the early detection of asymptomatic hypoglycemia which will help in the prevention of adverse neurodevelopmental outcome. Routine screening helped to decrease morbidity and mortality due to hypoglycemia. The first 24 hours of life is a crucial part, at - risk babies are more prone to hypoglycemia hence routine screening is recommended in high-risk babies.
Keywords: Complications, Neonates, Outcome
How to cite : Bulsara P , Kamat R R , Shaikhjiwala R , Shanmugam G , A study of asymptpmatic hypoglycemia in at risk newborn babies admitted at a tertiary care hospital. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2024;10(1):16-19
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Received : 12-04-2024
Accepted : 26-04-2024
Viewed: 863
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