Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 92-97
Background: Menarche, which is connected to pubertal changes and the start of the ability to procreate, is a marker of femininity for adolescent females in Patna, Bihar. A growth surge and gonadal development take place during this time. preserving a healthy reproductive system is essential for preserving physical health and overall wellbeing. Menstrual hygiene plays a key part in this process. Therefore, it is crucial to spread information about menstruation and associated hygiene starting in adolescence in order to encourage safe practises and lessen the stress that millions of women experience.
Materials and Methods: We recruited 192 Patna-based teenage females from 9th to 12th grades using total enumeration sampling. We received written informed permission from parents and verbal consent from girls before starting the study. The Institute Ethics Committee also approved us. Data collecting resolved participant questions.
Results: Out of the 192 females polled, around half of them showed signs of menstrual hygiene knowledge and admitted to using sanitary napkins. Additionally, 40.1% of the girls were aware of the signs and symptoms of poor menstrual hygiene.
Conclusion: This study suggests a menstruation and hygiene teaching programme for teenage females in Patna, Bihar. This programme would encourage good menstruation habits in young girls, improving reproductive health and well-being.
Keywords: Menstruation, Menstrual hygiene, Adolescent girls, Patna, Bihar, Knowledge and practices
How to cite : Kumari M, Mishra P, A study to evaluate adolescent girls' practises and understanding of menstruation and menstrual hygiene. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2023;9(3):92-97
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Received : 18-07-2023
Accepted : 16-09-2023
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