Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 155-160
Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the post COVID changes in the perception of the parents towards dentistry for their child/children.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire based survey was conducted among the parents of children <18>
Results: Majority of the parents had correct knowledge regarding the COVID-19 with increase in their anxiety level post COVID-19 outbreak. Almost all the parents were taking the measures regarding the hygiene of their children. Nearly half of the parents were not willing to take their children to the dentist even in the emergency dental condition due to the risk of encountering corona virus at the dental clinic.
Conclusion: The majority of respondents lacked confidence towards dentistry, their treatment environments, and the infection control measures taken, and were worried about contracting COVID-19 infection from the dental setting. Parents, however, demanded better infection control measures during the SARS outbreak. From the results of our survey, it is imperative that dentists and dental specialist like pediatric dentists should offer more confidence building measures towards the patients & their parents, involving them in the dental treatment planning as well as decision making and providing them timely appraisal regarding the same.
Keywords: COVID19, Parents Behavior, Pediatric Dentistry, Survey
How to cite : Iftikhar N, Dixit S, Yadav A, Post COVID-19 changes in the perception of the parents towards dentistry for their child. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2021;7(3):155-160
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Received : 13-08-2021
Accepted : 18-09-2021
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