Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 112-114
Gross hematuria, besides being a serious renal disorder, is quite worrisome for the patients. It merits evaluationto determine the underlying cause and initiate timely management in order to prevent long term complications as well as permanent renal damage in some cases. Anatomical abnormalities causing gross hematuria are rare and often asymptomatic, hence not diagnosed routinely. Here we present two cases of gross hematuria with underlying anatomical abnormality known as the Nut Cracker Syndrome (NCS).
Keywords: Gross hematuria, Children, Non glomerular, Nut Cracker Syndrome
How to cite : Sharma A, Kalra S, Pattanayak S, Evaluation for cause of hematuria: Cracking the mystery. IP Int J Med Paediatr Oncol 2021;7(2):112-114
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Received : 16-06-2021
Accepted : 01-07-2021
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