Unilateral supernumerary axillary breast with milk secretion : A Case Report

  • Yajat Gupta,  
  • Dr Bhavana gupta*


Accessory breast tissue or ectopic breast tissue or supernumerary breast tissue is an aberration of normal breast development . It is known to be rare entity which occurs in 0.4 - 6% of women anywhere along the embyologic mammary streak or milk line but more common in axilla.Accessory breast cancer is a rare entity with incidence of around 0.2 - 0.6 % . Routine mammography can miss accessory breast tissue. It is generally bilateral may be unilateral occasionally.General lack of awareness of accessory breast cancer among clinicians has potentially dangerous implications.


Supernumerary breast; mammary gland;axillary region;cancer breast

Ahead of Print Date : 2023-10-17

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